1. First, the main menu appears with empty text fields.

step 1

2. Select “Text Calibration”.

step 2

3. Set the distance at which the examination will take place. The default distance value is equal to 40 cm.


step 3a


step 3b

4. The system calculates automatically the correct length of the blue highlighted sentence (“text”) for the selected character size (in logMAR).

5. (a) Place a ruler on the screen and adjust the blue highlighted sentence using the slider, so that the length of the highlighted sentence is equal to the correct length (calculated by the system).

step 5a

5. (b) Select the text size (in logMAR) to be used for the calibration. The default value is logMAR=1.3.

step 5bi

This step is useful in cases where the size of the screen does not allow the display of the full sentence in high logMAR values at certain distances, thus the examination may start from a smaller logMAR value.

step 5bii

6. (a) Press “Save Settings”.

step 6a

6. (b) A green message of successful text calibration will appear on the bottom right corner

step 6b

6. (c) The browser zoom level must remain unchanged after the Text Calibration is completed.

7. (a) In case you wish to reset the settings in text calibration, you can press the rubbish bin on the bottom right corner.

step 7a

7. b) The user is redirected to Step 3a.

8. Press “Menu” to return to the main menu.

step 8

9. In case you want to enable camera for assessment of your patient’s distance (optional), select “Camera Calibration” from the main menu.

step 9

10. On the “Camera Calibration” menu press “Enable Camera” for calibration and place your patient 50 cm away from the camera.

step 10

11. The face detection process will begin and graphics will be displayed on the monitor for the calibration. Distance calculation refresh rate may be specified at the “Refresh time” field (default value: 100 ms).

step 11

12. (a) Once the calibration has been completed, press “Save Settings”.

step 12a

12. (b) A green message of successful camera calibration will appear on the bottom right corner.

step 12b

13. Press “Back to Menu” to return to the main menu.

step 13

14. Enter the examinee’s name, ID / AMKA (11 digits), year of birth and select the eye for examination (OD: right eye, OS: left eye, OU: both eyes).

step 14

15. Choose one wordlist among the 6 available versions.

step 15

16. Please set monitor’s brightness to 100%.

17. (a) Then press “Enable Camera”.

step 17a

17. (b) A green message of successful camera activation will appear on the bottom right corner.

step 17b

18. (a) In case you want to enable audio recording for a more accurate assessment of your patient’s reading times (optional), select “Enable Recording” from the main menu.

step 18a

18. (b) A green message of successful audio recording activation will appear on the bottom right corner.

step 18b

19. (a) In case you wish to reset all the settings in patient data, text calibration, and camera calibration, you can press the rubbish bin on the bottom right corner.

step 19a

19. (b) The user is redirected to Step 1.

20. When the patient is ready to perform the test, press “Start”.

step 20

21. In case you have activated the camera, please wait a few seconds while it is initialized and place the patient at the appropriate distance from the screen. The distance should be as close as possible to the one determined in text calibration.

step 21

22. When the current sentence is displayed on the screen, the patient should immediately begin to read the sentence aloud. Once the text is read, select “Stop”.

step 22

23. Reading time [talk duration = total duration – (post-talk delay)] can be automatically calculated by processing the acquired patient voice.

step 23

24. Fill in the number of words that have not been read correctly in the “Errors” box.

step 24

25. Then, select “Next” to proceed with the test to the next slide and follow the rules described in steps 22-24.

step 25

26. The process is being continued until the patient is not able to read the sentence or all the sentences have been successfully read. In case the patient cannot read a sentence, press “Finish”. In case, the patient reads all the sentences successfully, the results menu will be automatically displayed.

step 26

27. Results may be exported to a spreadsheet database (XLS), a JPEG file or printed in portable document format (PDF). No demographic or clinical data is stored in the server computer.

27. (a)

step 27a

27. (b)

step 27b

27. (c)

step 27c

27. (d)

step 27d
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